Adopt an Inlet

What is Adopt-A-Storm-Inlet?

The Stormwater Task Force is asking residents to participate in “Adopt-A-Storm-Inlet”.  We are asking residents who have a street storm inlet (catch basin) in front of their home to ensure they are cleaned off and unobstructed. Residents will be asked to do three simple things:

  1. Remove Debris from Grates: The grates of an inlet can become  clogged with debris, leaves and grass clippings. Regularly inspect the grate and remove debris. This will eliminate localized street flooding.
  2. Ensure Regular Cleaning/Maintenance: The area under the grate should be cleaned out periodically especially if debris becomes lodged in the inlet. Cleaning inside the inlet should be performed by City workers.
  3. Storm Inlet Marking: Place a marker with a storm water logo and the message that says “NO DUMPING – DRAINS TO WATERWAYS” near the storm inlet (catch basin). This marker will notify other residents that nothing but storm water should enter the inlet.



Participating Storm Water Task Force Cities:

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