City Hall, La Joya


The city is planning to construct a new city hall at a site with unique terrain. The highest elevation of the site is a ledge feature .The building will be constructed on top of the ledge, and parking lot will be constructed on a gentle slope adjacent to the ledge using pervious surface material. Storm water runoff will drain to a pond below the ledge feature.

The BMP will be located in hilly terrain which will allow for an evaluation of effectiveness under challenging circumstances. It will be part of a treatment train draining into a downstream detention pond. This will allow the project staff to evaluate the effectiveness of multiple BMPs. The City of La Joya is in a more rural part of the region and will allow for the evaluation of benefits of the practices in a still developing area. This site includes underground storage

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City of Alamo Sport Complex

City of Alamo Sport Complex


LID practices and “green technology” components will be constructed at the Alamo Sports Complex. A pergola will be constructed with solar panels and a rainwater harvesting system. A rain garden will be constructed surrounding a storm drain. A pervious concept trail will also be built.

This site has high visibility because of the Sports Complex traffic. The LID practice of a rain garden surrounding a storm drain has potentially large scale implementation due to the large number of storm drains where this practice could be utilized. The site is utilized as a community garden which will likely be a source for nutrients, so the BMPs ability to remove nutrients will be tested/evaluated (as budget permits).

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