Scheibe Consulting, LLC Firm
Scheibe Consulting is a full-service Civil Engineering firm located in Central Texas. Our firm provides services throughout Texas, with on-going and past project experience specifically in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Our firm focuses on providing water resources and stormwater related services to public and private clients. Our firm has staff with hands on expertise in the use of advance hydraulic analysis software packages, including the use of HEC-RAS (Steady, Unsteady, 2D), HEC-HMS, HEC-SSP, HEC-FDA, FEMA-BCA, InfoWorks ICM 2D, XP-SWMM 2D, PC-SWMM 2D, EPA-SWMM, and RMA 2D. Our staff also has extensive expertise in coastal surge, wave, and tidal circulation modeling specific to the Laguna Madre and the Gulf of Mexico. Our staff has hands-on experience with local Cameron County stormwater modeling projects and understands the complex nature of modeling in flat terrain. Our experts have local experience with the use of adjusted SCS peaking factors to calibrate local hydrologic models and our staff has worked on local projects and/or has on-going efforts to implement projects specific to CCDD #5, CCDD #3, CCDD #1, Willacy County, Starr County, Hidalgo County, US Army Corps of Engineers, and the USFWS. Our modeling staff also has years of practical design and construction experience related to drainage improvements, including: Regional Detention Facilities, Regional Water Quality Facilities, Streambank Stabilization/Restoration Projects, Diversion Channels, Levees, Dams, Concrete lined Channels, stormsewer systems, pump stations, coastal breakwaters, and roadway projects. Having a modeling staff with experience in 2D applications who also understand the design and construction level issues makes our team very unique. Our firm includes a group of highly skilled professionals that are very hands-on, ensuring that our clients receive a service from skilled senior staff that are focused on quality and professionalism.
www.scheibeconsulting.com |